Saturday, 7 September 2019

3 Tips on How to Make Friends With Girls

Making friends with girls is very easy when you do the following 3 things…

1. Attract them, but don’t try to pick them up at all

When you interact with girls from now on, you need to focus on making them feel attracted to you (e.g. by displaying confidence, making them laugh, making them feel feminine in comparison to your masculinity, being charismatic), but don’t try to pick them up at all.
Rather than using a girl’s attraction for you to move to a kiss, sex or relationship, just keep her as a friend.
Many of these girls will want to be your girlfriend based on the attraction they feel for you, so they will treat you much better as a friend because they are hoping to impress you and get a chance to be your girlfriend.
If you interact with a girl and are being confident, masculine, charismatic and making her laugh and enjoy talking to you, she will automatically (whether she wants to or not) feel attracted to you.
Girls are attracted to guys who display personality traits, behaviors and inner qualities that all girls and women find attractive.
The more attractive traits that a guy displays (e.g. charm, charisma, social intelligence), the more attracted that a girl will be.
However, if you want to make friends with girls and actually have them as real friends rather than have sex with them, you need to just keep it at point where she is attracted to you and you have a friendly connection.
For example: If a guy is only friends with a girl, he would hang out with her, talk with her, go to the movies every now and then, go partying together or catch up for coffee or something to eat.
Yet, he would never want to make a move on her or even try to make a move on her because he just wants to be friends with her.

2. Attend meet up groups to add more girls to your social circle

If you currently don’t have a lot of girls in your life, the easiest way to make more female friends is to attend meet up groups in your area.
For example: In your area, there may be meet up groups about going out to party, eating at restaurants, cooking, hiking, philosophy, yoga, exercise and loads of other activities that you are welcome to join in on.
As long as you attend meet up groups with the ability to make girls feel attracted to you, then most of the girls that you meet will want to be your friend.
A lot of the girls will also want to have sex with you and be your girlfriend, but that will be up to you to decide who gets to be your friend and who gets to have a sexual relationship with you.

3. Invite girl to parties and interesting lifestyle activities

This is a very important part of maintaining friendships with girls, especially since girls want to be able to show they that have a lifestyle when they post things on social media.
You don’t have to invite girls to amazing parties that cost money or that will have 100s of people attending.
Instead, inviting girls to parties can be as simple as you and some friends (e.g. existing friends or new friends that you’ve met at meet up groups) are going to be having a “party” at a bar or club on a Friday or Saturday night.
As long as you have a reason for the party, the girls will feel good about attending.
Some example reasons for parties can be: A friend’s birthday, the first weekend of summer, mid year party or someone is celebrating something.
Lifestyle activities
Lifestyle activities can include:
  • Having a BBQ or cookout at a friend’s place, your place or at a local park.
  • Going to the beach as a group and either having some things to play with in the water (e.g. blow up beds, beach ball) or hiring a jet ski or speed boat (that everyone except the girls chips in for) for an hour or two.
  • Going on a winery tour for a day.
  • Going to the snow for a weekend ski (or toboggan) trip.
  • Going to a concert.
  • Having pizza at a cool bar or café where everyone can hang out.
  • Going on a camping trip.
  • Doing some group exercise in a park (make sure someone is capable of leading the way).
  • Playing laser tag as a group (they usually have these at go kart places or entertainment centers).
  • Having a house party.
  • Playing beach volleyball (or if there are no beaches near you, play soccer, cricket or badminton in the park).
  • Going to a comedy night after starting with a meal and a couple of drinks.
  • Having a dinner party.
  • Going hiking and then having a picnic (or drinks and snacks) when you reach the destination.
  • Go 10-pin bowling.
Being the guy who always knows of something cool or interesting to do, makes it so much easier to maintain friendships with girls.
However, just don’t fall into the trap of organizing everything for everyone and hoping that if you just arrange enough activities, girls will eventually like you.
If you’re approaching it that way, you’re doing it wrong.
You need to start with a foundation of making the girls feel attracted to you first and then just allow them the privilege of being invited to some of the things that you do with other friends.
As long as you have made the girls feel attracted to you in the beginning, she will want to be around you no matter what because she will be drawn to you based on her feelings of attraction for you.
Inviting her or other female friends to parties and lifestyle activities is just a bonus that they get for being lucky enough to be your friend.

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Make Friends With Girls

If you make any of the following mistakes, it will difficult or stressful for you to maintain friendships with girls.

1. Acting girly

Some guys make the mistake of thinking that if they behave girly way (e.g. gossiping, giggling, caring way too much about fashion and celebrity relationship drama) it will make girls like him more and want to be friends with him.
It’s fine to use that approach if a guy is gay or if he doesn’t want his female friends to ever set him up with their hot girlfriends (or want him for themselves), but if your intention to have female friends is to get easier access to girls or be introduced to other girls that you can hook up with, make sure that you think, behave, feel and act like a masculine man.
When a guy acts girly and feminine, it automatically cancels out a girl’s sexual attraction for him because girls are sexually attracted to masculinity.
It’s fine to laugh and joke around with girls, but the thing that is going to make them like you, respect you and feel attracted to you the most is your masculinity, rather than an act of femininity to “fit in” by “being one of the girls.”

2. Having a secret agenda

If a guy’s only reason for wanting to have more female friends is to hopefully get laid, the girls will pick up on that if he also doesn’t have the ability to make them feel attracted to him.
A classic example of this is the typical nice guy, who will act like a friend and be really nice to girls in the hope that, one day, he might get a chance with one of them.
If girls notice that a guy has a secret agenda and is only being nice so he can hopefully “grow on them” and get a chance with one them, they might keep him around as a friend, but they won’t have any intention of having a sexual relationship with him.
Of course, sometimes a guy like that will get a chance with a girl (e.g. is she is drunk one night or is depressed after a break up), but she will simply dump him later on because he doesn’t even know how to make her feel attracted to him.
As you will discover from the video above, most guys have no idea how to make girls feel attracted to them and hope to be “liked” for being a nice, good guy.
My approach to women is to be a good guy, but the difference between me and a nice guy who gets rejected, is that I know how to trigger a girl’s feelings of sexual attraction for me.
For example: While interacting with a girl, I will display confidence, make her feel feminine in comparison to my masculinity (i.e. how I think, feel, behave, talk), be charming and charismatic.
By default, the girl will naturally feel attracted to me because of that.
However, if I talked to her and was nervous, self-doubting and too nice (how I used to be many years ago), girls would be turned off by me by default.
Some girls are nice and will keep a confused nice guy around as a friend, but that doesn’t mean that she wants to have sex or a relationship with him.
If another guy comes along who knows how to make her feel attracted, she will simply hook up with him instead, regardless of how “close” she is as a friend with the other guy.

3. Bad mouthing other guys

Some guys make the mistake of putting other guys down as a way to hopefully make girls see them as being better and more likeable or attractive.
For example: If the girls are talking about a guy who they think is a jerk, arrogant or an asshole, he will join in on the conversation by agreeing with them and saying that he is not like that or that he would never treat a girl like that.
If the girls sense that he is only saying that to hopefully impress them, they will lose respect for him because he is clearly insecure about his ability to make them feel attracted to him.
What a confident, alpha male would do is simply allow the girls to talk, gossip and be emotional during their conversation, without feeling the need to point out that he isn’t like the guy that they are talking about.
He can join in on the conversation if he wants to do, but it will either be to just chat in a friendly way and ask questions, (e.g. “Oh really? Why do you think he is a jerk?”) or he will turn it into something to laugh about instead.
He might say, “You girls are so mean” just for a laugh and the girls will then laugh and try to explain their reasons for referring to the other guy as a jerk.
He can then accept their reasons if he wants, continue to joke about it or let them carry on gossiping for a while and then join the conversation later on.
A confident, alpha male doesn’t feel the need to get involved in every conversation that his female friends (or anyone else for that matter) is having, because is masculine enough to just let them be girls and talk about random things in an emotional way.

4. Being Mr. Helpful rather than just attracting her and being a good guy

Another classic mistake that some guys make when trying to have more female friends is to turn into Mr. Helpful or Mr. Fix it.
For example: A guy might offer to fix a woman’s car, pay for her rent, buy her drinks, do her work in the office or at university and basically try to show her that he is willing to do anything to help her out.
There’s nothing wrong with being a nice, helpful guy to a female friend, but when a girls picks up on the fact that the guy is only doing it because he doesn’t know how to make her feel sexually attracted to him, it almost always lead to a rejection if he ever tries to make a move on her or “ask her out.”
If your real aim is to make girls want to have a sexual relationship with you, then you must start with sexual attraction rather than acting like you only ever want to be her friend.

How to Get Over an Ex-Girlfriend: 5 Steps

If you’re having a difficult time getting over your ex-girlfriend, here are the 5 steps you need to take to get your life back on track without her…

1. First, be 100% sure that you don’t want her back

Would you like to get your ex-girlfriend back and give the relationship another chance, or do want to move on and begin having sex and relationships with new women?
If you want to get your ex-girlfriend back, then I recommend that you watch my video about how to get an ex back.
However, if you are 100% certain that you don’t want to get her back and you would prefer to get over her and move on, then draw that line in the sand. Make this the day that you are 100% clear on your intention to move on without her.
From this day onwards, if you are sincere about not wanting to get your ex-girlfriend back, don’t make the mental mistake of stepping back behind that line and into the pain of missing her once again.
You need to make a clear, final decision that you’re going to get over her and move on. Once you make that decision, you need to be begin to step forward and into your new life without her.
To begin your new life, you need to go through step 2 of the process…

2. Improve your ability to attract new women

When a guy has been dumped by a girlfriend, he will often lose a bit of confidence in his ability to attract and keep a woman. He might feel as though if she dumped him, other women will just do the same, so he probably shouldn’t even bother going near them.
If he was in a relationship for a long time, he might have forgotten what it takes to spark a woman’s interest and get her to want to sex with him.
In other words, he will have become “rusty” or lost his mojo with the ladies.
Whatever the case is for you, it’s important that you take a moment to improve your ability to attract new women. If you do, it will make the process of getting over your ex-girlfriend so much easier.
When you’re able to effortlessly attract women by displaying some of the personality traits, behaviors and inner qualities that naturally attract women (e.g. confidence, charisma, charm, humor), you will no longer feel as though your life is going to be horrible, lonely and empty without your ex girlfriend in it.
With the ability to attract women during an interaction, you will find that most women feel attracted to you and like you. When that happens, you instantly being to enjoy your choice of women and your ex-girlfriend no longer seems necessary.

3. Approach and have sex with new women

It’s one thing to know how to attract women when you interact with them, but if you don’t actually have the confidence to approach women that you find attractive, then you’ll usually be be stuck thinking about your ex and wishing she was back in your life so you wouldn’t have to be in so much pain.
The good news is that most guys don’t have the confidence to approach women, so when you are one of the rare guys who is confident enough to approach women and you also have the skill of attracting women, most women will be yours for the taking.
I remember when I first started approaching women after I got dumped by my ex-girlfriend (before the internet had people online helping each other).
It took me a while to build up the courage to start approaching, but once I got the hang of it, women really started treating me well. I was shocked when some women actually said things like, “Oh finally…someone came over and talked to us” or “thank you for coming over and saying hi.”
Hearing that blew my mind because I always thought that I’d be interrupting women and they’d see me as a nuisance, think that I was desperate or tell me to go away and not annoy them.
Yet, some women were literally thanking me for coming over and saying hi. Why?
Most guys who approach women are either drunk, nervous, sleazy or are putting on an act of being an even nicer guy than they really are. Women are bored to death the lame approach that 95% of guys use and they just wish that a normal guy would approach them and be real.
By approaching a lot of women (and getting laid like crazy), I discovered that as long as you approach in a confident, easy-going way and are simply being social, most women will open up and start talking to you.
Women know that it’s the man’s role to approach, so if they get approached by a guy who can make them feel attracted, they aren’t going to reject him.
When you first approach, a woman will already feel some attraction for you based on the fact that you have the confidence to approach her in an easy-going, relaxed manner, but you need to build on that attraction by displaying other personality traits, behaviors and inner qualities that are naturally attractive to women.
For example: Rather than putting on an act of being a nicer guy than you really are, just have the balls to be authentic and real when you talk to her.
If you’re a good guy, then be a good guy, but don’t become an ass-kissing nice guy in the hope that it will impress her, because it won’t.
When guys use the nice guy approach on women, they often feel as though they are being original and that a woman will be impressed and give him a chance simply based on him being such a nice guy.
Yet, what he doesn’t realize is that pretty much every other guy who is clueless about how to attract women is doing the same thing to her and it bores her to death.
Women want you to walk up and spark their feelings of attraction for you, rather than only allowing her to experience friendly, polite and neutral feelings during an interaction.

4. Experience love with different women

The kind of love that you experience will always be different with each woman.
Sometimes, you will feel a friendly type of love, other times you will feel passionate love and other times it will be more of a spiritual love where you feel like soul mates or that you’re meant to be.
Realizing that the love is different with every woman is an important part of how to get over an ex girlfriend.
Often, a guy will get stuck missing his ex girlfriend and the enjoyable love that they used to share because other girls haven’t been able to make him feel the same way.
If he meets a number of women and none of them compared to his ex, he might begin to believe that he won’t ever be able to find enjoyable love again with another woman.
Yet, from all of my experience helping guys to succeed with women (I’ve been doing this for more than 10 years now), I’ve found that when a guy is thinking like that it’s usually because he hasn’t followed the steps of this 5-step process properly.
For example: He is trying to meet new women, but he still lacks confidence in himself due to the break up or he doesn’t even know how to attract women during an interaction.
Based on his unattractive approach to women, he will only be able to get unattractive or undesirable women interested in him, which will make him miss his ex even more.
So, if you sincerely want to get over your ex girlfriend, you must ensure that you follow the 5 steps of this properly. Start by being 100% sure that you want to move on and if that is a “Yes” and then make sure that you are ready to properly attract women when you interact with them.
If you approach women and turn them off by displaying unattractive traits (e.g. insecurity, self-doubt) or bore them with a typical nice guy act, then you’re not going to get the hot women that will blow your mind and make you quickly get over your ex.
Almost all hot women will settle for nothing less than a confident guy who is able to make them feel attracted in different ways during an interaction (e.g. due to his confidence, charisma, humor, charm).
As long as you have the skill of being able to attract women with your confidence and personality, you will be able to get out there and experience new kinds of love with beautiful, attractive women, which will help you get over your ex girlfriend very quickly.

5. Become a man of purpose

Being a man of purpose essentially means having a life long goal or ambition in life that is very important for you to achieve.
It needs to be more important than your girlfriend (fiance or wife), so that she will always be #2 in your mind, rather than her being what your life is all about.
It might sound harsh to say that about a woman, but it’s actually what women want in a man.
Women hate it when a guy makes the classic mistake of basing his identity, self-esteem and happiness on a relationship.
A woman wants to feel very important to you, she wants to be respect and she wants to be loved, but she wants you to have bigger goals in life than just a relationship.
How is this part of the process of getting over your ex-girlfriend?
Simple: If you were a man of purpose already, you wouldn’t even be reading this article about how to get over your ex girlfriend.
If you were a man of purpose, she most-likely wouldn’t have ever dumped you in the first place, but even if the relationship broke up for other reasons (e.g. you dumped her, you drifted apart, you cheated and then left her, etc), you wouldn’t be feeling as though your life is empty without her in it.
A man of purpose lives a full life and he spends most of his time and energy rising through the levels of his true potential as a man to make his biggest goals, ambitions and dreams a reality.
He doesn’t spend his time stressing about whether his girlfriend is going to cheat on him or leave him, because as long as he treats her well, she will have no reason to want to end the relationship.
She will respect him, look up to him and be proud to be in a relationship with him. Based on his masculine approach to life (i.e. being a man of purpose), she can then relax into being his woman, rather than being his “partner” or friend.
He will know that she is proud to be with him and she will know that it would be her loss if she ever left him. If the relationship did ever break up, he would be absolutely fine with or without her because his identity would not be wholly based on his relationship with her and other women will find him naturally attractive and appealing.
So, what are some examples of purpose?
A man’s purpose in life might be to:
  • Become an elite athlete, win and when he is finished competing, transition into coaching or commentating.
  • Rise up through the levels of his government job so he can eventually run for office and become a mayor of his city or town, so he can make a difference for his community.
  • Build up his business experience so he can eventually lead a business that will revolutionize an industry, improve his country or even change the world.
  • Become a skilled musician so he can make high quality, touching music that will be used on TV and in movies and will have a positive impact on the people who hear it.
  • Come up with the perfect solution to a problem that many people struggle with.
If you can’t think of anything right now, try completing these sentences in your mind…
  • It would be challenging and difficult to achieve, but I’d love to…
  • I’ve always dreamed of being able to…
  • I want to be the first man to ever…
  • I want to change the way that people think about…
  • I want to make a difference in this world by…
  • My passion in life is…
  • I wish I could…
  • What I care most about in life is…
  • I would have to work hard for a long time to achieve it, but this is what I want to do with my life…
  • The one thing that I could do better than most people (or everyone else) is…
  • I will look back on my life and feel extremely proud if…
  • When I imagine my biggest dreams coming true in the distant future, this is what I see…
  • If I could change one thing about the world it would be…
  • The way I would like to help my country is…
  • The one thing I wish I could change about my local community is…
  • My purpose regarding my family is…
  • I would be excited to be living life if I was…
Do you have a big dream or ambition that you would love to make real in this lifetime?
Choose a life purpose that will continually challenge you to be your very best self if you are going to achieve it.
Don’t choose something that is easy or that you don’t care about.
Do what you are really passionate about – that is what will keep you determined when you face obstacles (everyone encounters obstacles) along the way to success.
When you focus on your purpose and begin to make progress towards it, you will not only begin to get over your ex, but you will become irresistibly attractive to other women.
Women love it when a man has the courage to stand up and rise through the levels of his true potential, rather than hiding from it because he has a fear of failure or rejection.
When a woman senses that a man has purpose, she will feel naturally attracted and drawn to him. She will know that he is one of the rare ones who has the capacity to make her feel proud and excited to be in love with him for life.
So, what is your purpose? What comes to mind for you when you think of your purpose outside of a relationship with a woman?
It’s not that a woman isn’t important (my wife is the most important person in my life), but your purpose needs to be even more important to you.
Your goals and ambitions should span out as far into the future as you can envision (e.g. 40, 50 or more years into the future).
What you’re aiming for should be something that you feel like you’ve been born to do, that you’re destined to do or that you should be doing with your life.
Your purpose should be something that will always make you become a bigger and better man the more progress you make.
So, for example: If a guy simply wants to learn a new language for the fun of it or work out at the gym to stay fit, that is not going to be his life purpose; it’s just a mere hobby.
If he wants to turn either of those things into part of his purpose, then it should directly link up to his long term plans to achieve his biggest goals and ambitions in life.
If he is learning a language, he should be doing that so he can then get reach to the next level of his purpose goals (e.g. use the language to do international business, be a teacher, translate a book, read literature that was previously out of his reach, communicate with his wife’s family if they speak another language, become an ambassador, etc).
If he is working out relentlessly at the gym and learning a lot about fitness and nutrition, all those hours and all that effort should not be wasted on merely adding some extra muscle for the sake of his appearance.
Instead, it should link up to what he really thinks his purpose in life is. If he is just working out because he likes it and it is taking up most of his spare time, then he is not a man of purpose. He’s just another guy who works out in a gym and doesn’t really know what his life is about.
Guys like that usually struggle to get over an ex girlfriend because they place way too much importance on her and she becomes what his life is about. He spends a lot of time at the gym because it is important to him, but it’s not his purpose in life.
When his girlfriend breaks up with him, he feels like his life is crashing down around him because she was his foundation of identity, happiness and purpose.
If his dedication to the gym and fitness was linked up to bigger goals (e.g. open a gym, become an elite athlete, become an elite fitness coach, etc), then he would be living life on purpose, rather than just wasting time working out.
So, to help yourself get over your ex girlfriend and never have to go through that kind of pain again, decide to become a man of purpose.
I must make this clear though: Being a man of purpose is not about the basic mechanics of life (e.g. getting a job, getting a house, getting a car). Those kind of basic things are not your purpose in life and are simply things that happen as a part of living life in a civilized world.
Your purpose needs to be bigger than that. It needs to be something that you feel like you were born to do. If it really is your purpose, it will challenge you to become a bigger and better man over time.
When you become a man of purpose, your ex girlfriend will instantly begin to seem less important and appealing to you because your identity and happiness will not be based on having her in your life.
As a bonus, you will also become incredibly attractive to women because women feel a deep, lasting attraction for a man who knows who he is and what he wants from life.
So, are you ready to get over your ex-girlfriend? Will you be able to attract a beautiful woman the next time you interact with one? What is your next move going to be?

Friday, 6 September 2019

What Do Women Notice First About Men?

When a woman looks at a guy from a distance, it’s only natural that she will notice the superficial things about him first (e.g. his appearance and clothing).
However, while she might be initially be drawn to superficial things about him, she will then start to focus on the more important things about him that have nothing to do with his appearance.
For example: A woman might notice a good looking guy across a room and think to herself, “Hmmm… He looks kind of cute. He’s got a sexy smile.”
If she then notices that he is relaxed and confident around other people, she will become more attracted.
If she also notices that when he speaks the people around him are paying attention, respecting him, laughing with him or having a good time, her feelings of attraction for him will increase even further.
She will then think, “That guy is hot. I hope he comes over and talks to me.”
When he approaches her to say, she will feel excited to be interacting with him because he has already made a positive impression on her from a distance.
However, even though she is excited to meet him and interested to see where it goes, she might act like she hadn’t even noticed him prior to him approaching, or she will pretend as though she isn’t very interested in talking to him, because she wants to determine how confident he is around her.
It’s one thing to be confident around friends, but what a woman really needs to see is whether a guy will remain confident when talking to her, especially when she tests him by playing hard to get, acting like she isn’t interested or not contributing much to the conversation.
If the guy remains confident and relaxed while talking to her regardless of how she tries to test him (e.g. by playing hard to get), she will feel even more attracted to him.
On the other hand, even though a woman might initially notice a good looking guy and think, “That guy over there is hot…he looks like my type,” she will instantly lose interest in him if she then notices that he’s shy, nervous or insecure around other people.
It won’t matter to her that he is good looking because he will lack the more important qualities that women really look for in a man.
If a man interacts with a woman and displays traits that turn women off (e.g. insecurity, nervousness, self-doubt, putting on an act of being an even nicer guy than he is, etc), she will lose interest in him even if he is good looking.
Some women (usually unattractive women) will accept an insecure good looking guy, but that doesn’t mean she will remain attracted to him in a relationship.
What really matters to a woman is how a man makes her feel by way of his personality, behavior and inner qualities.
To most women, if the guy is good looking that is seen as a bonus, but it’s not a necessity.
Of course, some women will only accept a good looking, rich, tall man, but the majority of women place less importance on looks and choose guys based on how he makes her feel during an interaction.

Understanding Attraction

If you’re asking, “What do women notice first about men?” it’s probably because you don’t yet understand how a woman’s attraction for a man works.
As a result, you probably believe that women are attracted to men for the same reasons men are attracted to women (i.e. looks).
For example: When a guy first sees a woman, the first thing he will notice about her is the way she looks, (her body, face, legs, etc) and if she is beautiful (or even just a little bit attractive), most guys will be willing to have sex with her simply based on her appearance.
Most guys will have sex or even a relationship with her regardless of whether she is confident and relaxed, or shy, nervous and insecure.
Yet, women don’t work the same way.
If a guy is shy, nervous or insecure it is huge turn off for women because women are naturally attracted to the emotional strength of men (e.g. confidence, self-esteem) and turned off by the emotional weakness (e.g. insecurity, self-doubt).
Since a woman’s appearance is enough for most guys to want to have sex with her, most guys believe that women also choose men on the basis of looks.
However, almost all women (not all women!) choose men differently to the way men choose women.
Based on all of my experience picking up women and helping other guys to pick up women, I estimate that a guy can make approximately 90% of women feel attracted to him.
He won’t be able to pick up 90% of women because some women aren’t single, some aren’t compatible with him (e.g. he’s too smart for her) and some just won’t suit his lifestyle.
However, he can make about 90% of women feel attracted to him and be interested in being with him if he is able to display the personality traits, behaviors and inner qualities that women are naturally attracted to.

If Women Notice Men’s Looks First, Then Why Are So Many Good Looking Guys Single and Lonely?

If women only had sex and relationships with guys based on good looks, most of the guys in this world (me included) would be single and lonely.
Only the tall, muscular good looking guys would be having sex and dating and getting married, while the rest of us just wasted our life jerking away to porn every week.
However, as you may have noticed by looking at the world around you, beautiful women are with all different kinds of men.
No doubt, you will have noticed that many plain, average looking, weird looking, short, fat, skinny guys have a beautiful girlfriend or wife, while many really tall, muscular, model look-alikes are single and desperate to get laid and get a girlfriend. Why?
Some of the “unattractive guys” have realized that even if a woman first notices a man’s looks, she will wait to see how she feels while interacting with him before she decides to have sex with him.
If his behavior and conversation style makes her feel attracted to him, almost all women will not get hung up about his looks.
In fact, she will even start to see his physical “flaws” in a more positive light.
For example: If he wears glasses, she will see it as cute, classy or sophisticated.
If he is overweight, she will see him as being cuddly and really like that about him.
For example: A woman at a bar or nightclub might notice a chubby, balding guy and then look away and forget all about him because he’s not her type.
However, if he approaches her and engages her in conversation while being confident, relaxed and allowing his natural charisma to shine through, she will instantly begin to feel attracted to him.
If he then begins to make her feel girly and feminine in comparison to his masculinity (e.g. how he thinks, feels, behaves, moves, feels), she will begin to smile, blush and feel giggly while talking to him, which will turn her on and make her feel even more attracted to him.
Before long, she will find herself thinking, “He’s not my usual type, but I like him” or “I don’t usually go for overweight or bald guys, but this guy is different. He’s sexy.”
What she means by “sexy” is that he makes her feel sexually attracted. Sexy doesn’t mean good looking or having big muscles.
Yes, those things can attract women, but so many other things (e.g. confidence, charisma, charm) can attract women too.
This is why insecure good looking guys often find it very difficult to attract a decent looking girlfriend, because most women simply won’t accept the emotional weakness.
Insecure good looking guys will rarely approach women unless they are drunk or at party with mutual friends, so they don’t actually get many opportunities to properly meet women.
Sometimes a good looking guy will get approached by a woman who thinks he looks hot, but that will not guarantee that he is able to pick her up.
For example: A woman might notice a tall, muscular, good looking guy across the room and feel instantly attracted to his physical appearance.
Yet, when she stands next to him (e.g. at the bar or next to his group) in the hope that he begins talking to her, he looks away from her in a shy way.
Since she really likes him and thinks that he is her physical type, she takes the plunge and makes the first by starting a conversation with him.
The good looking guy might initially feel comfortable because he has been approached, but when she starts to test his confidence, she will notice the cracks and begin to see that he is a shy, insecure guy who doesn’t feel like he is good enough for her.
Suddenly, she begins to think, “I don’t know why, but this guy just gives me the creeps” and then leaves the interaction.
This is not a once off occurrence. It’s is something that happens to thousands of good looking guys all over the world.
So don’t waste your time worrying about what women notice first about men and thinking that if you’re not good looking, you can’t get women to feel attracted to you.
Here is the truth…
You can CREATE feelings of attraction inside of a woman by displaying some of the personality traits, behaviors and inner qualities that naturally attract women.
Even if a woman doesn’t initially feel attracted to your looks, it doesn’t mean that you can’t make her feel intensely attracted to you for other reasons (e.g. by being confident, charismatic, charming, funny).
Yes, some women will only have sex with or date a guy based solely on his appearance, but most women are attracted to things about men that have nothing to do with physical appearance.

Making a Woman Want You

Although women will notice everything about a man, it’s important that you understand and accept that most women are attracted to a lot more than a man’s outward appearance.
At the end of the day, a woman will either be attracted to you because you display certain personality traits and behaviors around her, (e.g. confidence, charm, emotional strength) or she will be turned off because you don’t.
No matter how good looking a guy is on the outside, if he lacks substance on the inside, he will not be able to make a woman feel a lasting attraction for him.
You can be a male super-model, wear the best fashions and drive a Lamborghini, but if you lack confidence, are self-doubting and insecure, or behave in other unattractive ways, then a woman won’t care that when she first noticed you she thought you were drop-dead gorgeous, rich or fashionable.
On the other hand, when you make a woman feel the way she wants to feel when she interacts with you (i.e. turned on, aroused, attracted), everything about you will seem so much more appealing to her.
For example: Once a woman is attracted, she will then appreciate the fact that you’re also a nice, intelligent man who has good intentions with her.
However, she won’t care about those things if you don’t first make her feel attracted.
So, don’t waste another day worrying about what women notice first about men.
Instead, just focus on making women feel attracted to you when you actually interact with them in person.
That’s where all the power is and it is what gives you your choice of women.

What to Do to Make a Girl Like You

A girl will automatically like you when you trigger her feelings of sexual attraction for you.
A lot of guys make the mistake of trying to get a girl to like them as a friend, but he really wants to have sex with her and have her as his girlfriend.
So, if you want this girl to have sexual, romantic feelings for you, the first thing you need to do is make her feel attracted and aroused when you interact with her.
When you make a girl feel attracted and aroused by the way you are interacting with her, she will automatically like you and be interested in being more than just a friend to you.
To make her feel attracted, you simply need to display some of the personality traits, behaviors and inner qualities that girls find attractive in guys.ou don’t have to be perfect. You just have to display some of the attractive traits and then believe in yourself enough to make a move.
What are some examples of attractive traits? You can:
  • Be confident around her and other people.
  • Be charismatic by allowing your true personality to come through, rather than putting on an act (e.g. acting nicer than you really are).
  • Make her feel girly and feminine in contrast to your masculine vibe.
  • Make her laugh and giggle when she talks to you.
  • Use flirting to add a sexual vibe to your conversations and interactions.
When you display attractive traits such as those, you don’t have to try hard to “make” a girl like you because it will happen naturally based on her attraction for you.
Many guys don’t know how to attract girls, so they waste time trying to convince a girl to like them.
You can immediately create a spark between you and a girl simply by triggering her feelings of attraction for you.

Understanding How a Girl’s Attraction For a Guy Really Works

Many guys are confused about what to do to make a girl like them, because they assume that girls feel attracted to guys for the same reasons that guys feel attracted to girls.
In other words, guys think that it’s all about looks.
While it is true that a girl can feel attracted to a guy’s looks, the majority of girls feel much more attraction to other things about guys (e.g. confidence, charisma, emotional masculinity, charm, humor, etc).
Yet, for most guys, the attraction they feel for girls is INSTANT and it doesn’t even matter if the girl isn’t very intelligent, interesting or even a very nice person.
Most guys will still be willing to have sex with her (and possibly even date her) solely based on how she looks.
For this reason, a lot of guys make the assumption that most girls make a decision about who to have sex with and be in a relationship with based on physical appearance.
Yet, for most women (not all), a man’s personality traits (e.g. his confidence, charm, masculinity, sense of humor) carry much more weight than looks when she is deciding if she wants to have sex with him or date him.
For example: A guy might really like a girl and really want to hook up with her, but since he comes across in a nervous, insecure and self-doubting way when he interacts with her, she rejects him because she feels turned off by his insecurities.
Rather than realize that it is his lack of confidence that is turning her off, he will usually just assume that he is being rejected because he isn’t good looking enough, rich enough or tall enough.

Looks Are Only Important to Some Girls

Some girls place a lot of importance on how a guy looks, but the majority of girls are much more open and flexible when it comes to what they will accept about a guy’s appearance.
This is why you will always see so many ordinary, plain and even ugly guys with a beautiful girlfriend or wife.
How did they get their girl to like them?
Simple: He made her feel attracted to him for reasons other than his looks (e.g. confidence, humor, charisma, charm, masculine vibe, etc).
Here’s the really interesting thing though…
If a guy isn’t very good looking and even has some negative features (e.g. a big nose, eyes too close together, too short, chubby, skinny), these odd features will actually become attractive and appealing to a girl when she is feeling a lot of attraction for him.
Rather than look at his flaw as a bad thing, she begins to see it as a cute thing that only her guy has.
She will say, “I like that he’s chubby…it makes him cuddly” or “I don’t care that he is short, because he is confident and he makes me feel proud to be with him.”
So if you’re wondering what to do to make a girl like you because you think you’re not good looking enough for her; think again.
Rather than focusing on making a girl like you as a person, just focus on making her feel sexually attracted to you instead.
If a girl has been rejecting you or giving you the cold shoulder, you will immediately begin to see that her attitude towards changes without her even realizing that she doing it.
All of a sudden, you will seem attractive and appealing in her eyes and she will wonder how she could have ignored you all this time.

4 Mistakes to Avoid Making If You Want a Girl to Like You

A big part of getting a girl to like you is to know what to avoid doing that might turn her off.
Here are some classic mistakes to avoid…

1. Don’t pretend to be her friend if you want to be her boyfriend

A common mistake that guys make is to assume that the only way they can get the girl they like is to be nice and friendly to her.
A guy like this hopes that by being a good friend to her, listening to all her problems, gossiping with her on the phone or via text and generally being there at her every beck and call, she will one day realize that she likes him and wants to be his girlfriend.
Yet, what he usually doesn’t realize is this: A girl liking a guy as a friend is not the same as her feeling sexually attracted to him and wanting to be his girlfriend.
If you want to get a girl to like you in a sexual and romantic way, you have to focus on sparking her feelings of sexual attraction rather than her feelings of friendship.
For example: Make her feel girly and feminine in comparison to your masculinity (i.e. how you think, feel, behave, talk, move) when you interact with her.
If you don’t trigger her feelings of sexual attraction, she might like you as a friend and enjoy hanging around you, but she’s not going to want anything more than that.
When another guy comes along who can spark her feelings of sexual attraction, she will be going out on dates and having sex with him, while she calls you on the phone to tell you all about it because you’re such a good friend to her and she can always count on you to gossip and discuss love and relationships with her